Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It damn near... damn near... damn near brooo ooo oo ke my heart

I was feeling melancholy today... a good day for the blues. Last night I came across one of the best blues albums I've heard in recent years, now I'm not talking soul, I'm not talking R&B, and I'm not even referring to jazz, what I'm talking about is the melancholy without being depressing BLUES... and the diva of them herself (even in her late 60s 70s) who's giving me this great music is none other than Bettye LaVette with her newest album (2007) "The Scene of the Crime".. I'd been meaning to listen to this one for a while now.. and just never seemed to get around to it but boy o boy was I blown away!!! Every song shines on this album including covers of Willie Nelson and Elton John (and you can't tell!!) but when it gets to the second to last track on the album "Before the Money Came In (The Battle of Bettye LaVette) she rips her heart open and lets us see her wounds and scars... she belts out in a broken voice all the pain all the struggle she went through in her music career only to finally get a record deal for who she was without anyone trying to change her... and damn near breaking her heart. Listen, mellow, and enjoy.

::Bettye LaVette The Scene of the Crime::

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