These are the 3 solo albums for the Jennifer Nettles Band (now lead singer for Sugarland) enjoy and if you like please purchase on!

Story Of Your Bones
or if you prefer

Gravity: Drag Me Down or Drag Me Down: Gravity
thank you so much.
such good music, and so crazy that the amazing voice on these recordings is the same one on that shitty bon jovi song.
hi can you put the STORY OF YOUR BONES album here again? i just need this one to complete my jennifer nettles complete discography. thank you.
Sure, give me a day or two and I'll just update the links.
thank you SO MUCH, i bought the others while i was in the US but now i'm back in my country and they don't ship internationally. Story Of Your Bones Link. Sorry for the Delay
Can anybody re-up the following albums? Thanks...Gravity: Drag Me Down or Drag Me Down and Bad Girls Lament and Rewind...
don't you worry, thank you so so much.
Any chance for a re-up on Gravity and Rewind? TIA
Please re upload all albums
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