I've been listening to the blues a lot lately. I can't seem to shake this melancholy feeling inside of me, maybe being apart from the one's I love is the reason for this I'm not sure. Just thought I'd mention that. I also came to a realization today that there are not nearly as many Ravens in my neighborhood as there were when I moved in last summer. This brings up a deep well of loss within myself, you see ravens/crows are one of my inner totem animals, along with otters. Knowing that they were in the area when we moved made me feel like this place was a perfect fit, and so the loss of many of them leaves an emptiness I can't truly explain in any sort of coherent way. I'm really just babbling away I guess. After all these are MY confessions (I write that a lot don't I?). I have made a new friend here in C'ville lately though, so that's helping to stave off the dreariness of not being able to see my Misfits as much as I'd like (once a month is better than not at all that's for DAMN sure). Nothing new to report really. I've got some music going up on the page this weekend. Just some more Duffy, Ashley Monroe, and some Koko Taylor. Nothing over the top fancy, but its feel good music all the same. Till next time...